Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Gun talk

Growing up in England we have not bought into the gun culture and cannot understand the mindset of wanting to keep guns in the house.  It seems like it is every few months that we hear of another tragic shooting and yesterday's shooting at a school in Nevada claimed another innocent life.  I don't care what the constitution says, there needs to be federal laws to restrict high capacity guns and make people responsible for keeping them out of the wrong hands.

As the details of yesterday's shooting was unfolding on the news, Snow was caught up in my ranting as she just happened to be grabbing a snack from the kitchen.  I made it clear that we didn't keep guns and that she should ask whether her host family have guns in the house and if so, how they are kept.  I hope I didn't scare her, but these shootings (and terrorist attacks) seem a little too close to home sometimes.

Monday, October 14, 2013


This past weekend was Columbus Day weekend and also 'Homecoming', which meant for a very busy weekend.  Homecoming is an annual tradition here where people, towns, high schools and colleges come together to welcome back alumni and former residents.  On Friday night the CCHS football team had a home game where there was a celebration for alumni of the school.  This was a perfect time to attend my first football game since both Molly and Snow had arranged to meet their friends there and needed a ride.  Despite not knowing much about the rules I enjoyed the game very much, plus CCHS won which always helps.  Paul was en route back from Holland but next time we'll all attend and I'll  have him explain some of the rules.

On Saturday night the school had their Homecoming Dance, which is a big event as the entire school of 1300 kids are invited.  Although it is a formal event, thankfully it is nowhere near as costly or as time consuming as the prom, which comes towards the end of the school year.  The girls both met up with friends to do their hair and make-up and get hyped up for the evening.

Molly and Snow looking elegant in their dresses

The following day we had arranged to meet up with family at Canobie Lake Park for Screamfest.  We started out with a big breakfast at The Irish Cottage which was a great choice for food at any time of the day.  The breakfast at The Shawsheen Diner is still our favorite, mainly because it was our first American breakfast venue, but this comes a close second and does a wonderful traditional Irish breakfast complete with black and white pudding (if you like that kind of thing!).  Black pudding is blood sausage for anyone that doesn't know.

Molly and Snow having pancakes

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Pass the wine!

Today started out very well.  Erin had an impromptu sleepover last night with the neighbor as today was a half-day for her and the high schoolers had a late start (8.40am as opposed to 7.40am), so I ended up sleeping until 6.45am - a full hour later than usual!  Molly and Snow had a ride to school so I didn't even need to made that dreaded school run.  It should only take 10 minutes but it is so congested around the school and the locals drive like lunatics.  Yesterday I was almost mowed down by someone passing a line of stationary traffic on my side of the road.  Idiot!

Up until about 4pm the day was very relaxed - gym, a little work, baked banana bread and prepared vegetables for dinner (more on this later).  Then came my typical running around dropping and picked up kids.  I now have 3 kids, so the after school schedule is very busy, particularly this week as Paul is in Holland so all the running around in on me.  After picking up Molly and Snow from school at 4pm I then dropped Erin at soccer practice at 4.30pm.  Forty minutes later I took Molly to her Youth conditioning class at the gym and returned home briefly to put the vegetable curry and rice on.  I then picked up Erin at 6pm then Molly at 6.30pm.  On the way back home we were caught up behind 2 car accidents that meant we didn't return home until 7.10pm.  Now, on normal day the kids would complain about being hungry and I would have headed straight for McDonald's drive-thru for chicken nuggets and fries.  Since dinner was still 1/2 hr away from being ready I was very tempted, believe me, but my alter ego reminded me how bad processed food is, something that is re-inforced by posts from Wellness Mama and Perfectly Nourished on Facebook every day.

I do like to cook, but sometimes I do myself no favors, today is no exemption, by planning 2 separate meals.  I had been meaning to make toad-in-the-hole for Snow for a while now, and since I had some left-over sausages that is what I had planned for the girls.  I, on the other hand, fancied a vegetarian curry since I enjoy vegetarian food, particularly when Paul is away.  After the first Yorkshire pudding batter failed I had to start over, so eventually we ate dinner at almost 8pm.  I tydied up and made lunches for us all for the following day while the girls finished their homework.  Tomorrow I have the usual school run at 7am followed by work, then after that the craziness begins again.  Despite all the complaining I do, I still feel blessed to have my life and to have my 3 wonderful girls....and not forgetting Paul of course.  Pass the wine!