Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Gun talk

Growing up in England we have not bought into the gun culture and cannot understand the mindset of wanting to keep guns in the house.  It seems like it is every few months that we hear of another tragic shooting and yesterday's shooting at a school in Nevada claimed another innocent life.  I don't care what the constitution says, there needs to be federal laws to restrict high capacity guns and make people responsible for keeping them out of the wrong hands.

As the details of yesterday's shooting was unfolding on the news, Snow was caught up in my ranting as she just happened to be grabbing a snack from the kitchen.  I made it clear that we didn't keep guns and that she should ask whether her host family have guns in the house and if so, how they are kept.  I hope I didn't scare her, but these shootings (and terrorist attacks) seem a little too close to home sometimes.

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